The Board
Mike Hansen | Chair
Mike Hansen first encountered Nine Mile Canyon in the mid-1980s and was blown away. After his brother Steve and brother-in-law Jerry purchased the lower ranch in Nine Mile in 2000, Mike became active in protecting the Canyon, joining the Coalition and becoming Chair for the period 2013 to 2017, before again becoming Chair in June of 2021. Mike is a former Chair of the Salt Lake County Bar Association, a former Commissioner of the Utah State Bar Association, and former Chair of the Granite Community Council. Mike has practiced law for the last 42 years and been married to his lovely wife, Cassandra, since 1976. It is with more than a little pride that I can serve on the Coalition Board with my daughter Kathryn (“Kappi”) Meldrum (nee Hansen).
Dennis Willis | NEPA Reviewer & Responder
Dennis Willis came to Price in 1979. He quickly became enamored with the many public land jewels in southeast Utah, including Nine Mile Canyon. He worked for the Price Office of the Bureau of Land Management for 30 years before retiring. In the BLM, Dennis worked on land use planning for Nine Mile Canyon and was involved with the Coalition from its formation. At various times, he has served as the Chairman, President and ex officio BLM representative. In addition to professional pursuits, he as served as a volunteer on archaeological surveys in the canyon. Today, he helps the Coalition on issues related to land use planning, energy development, National Environmental Policy Act and National Historic Preservation Act compliance.
Dawna Houskeeper | Treasurer
Dawna Houskeeper has been a member of the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition for over 20 years. She became the treasurer in 2003. She is also an event coordinator. She helps with organizing the annual Fall Gathering and other events. She does not claim to be an archeologist or a historian about Nine Mile Canyon but really enjoys learning about the canyon from the experts and has gained a great love for the canyon.
Katy Corneli | Education Coordinator
Katy Corneli was born in Utah and grew up visiting archaeological sites throughout the state. She has an M.A. in the Conservation of Archaeological and Museum Objects from Durham University, U.K., and a B.A. in Archaeology, Anthropology and Art History from the University of East Anglia, U.K. but her undergraduate thesis focused on the rock art in Range Creek Canyon. She currently works as the Collections Manager and Conservator at the USU Eastern Prehistoric Museum where she is responsible for the preservation and care of around one million archaeological artifacts. Nine Mile Canyon has been her favorite place to explore since moving to Price in 2016. She is passionate about preservation, education, and outreach and looks forward to attending Stewardship Day, whether as a visitor or a volunteer, every year.
Liz Baldwin | Education Coordinator
Liz Baldwin is an enthusiastic community builder who enjoys helping people learn through personal experience and problem solving to realize their connections to each other and place. With 6 years experience in informal museum education environments and 5 years as an archaeologist, Liz enjoys combining these interests in her work. She is looking forward to hearing about all of your experiences and favorite things about the Canyon.
Reilly Jensen | Site Stewardship Coordinator | Section 106 Designation Coordinator
Reilly Jensen is an archaeologist, arts educator, and enthusiastic (but not good) banjo player. Her goal is to democratize and honor access to privileged knowledge about archaeology, and build connections that strengthen communities and preserve cultural heritages and histories of Utah. You can find her illustrating the past, teaching on field projects, or in her studio working towards an MFA in Community-Based Arts Education at the University of Utah.
Erin Root | Site Stewardship Coordinator | Section 106 Designation Coordinator
Erin Root is a professional archaeologist who works in the private sector. She has a B.S. in Anthropology and a B.A. in Art History from the University of Utah. After her first visit to the Nine Mile Canyon in 2015 for work, she felt an instant connection. She joined the Nine Mile Coalition in 2019 and has held the Section 106 and Stewardship position as well as the Social Media position. Erin has also helped develop stewardship materials for future Nine Mile Canyon Stewards. She hopes that more people are able to visit and experience the canyon, learn it’s history, and are encouraged to protect it.
Will Miller | Site Steward
Will Miller grew up helping his archaeologist parents work on surveys in Nine Mile Canyon. He has a B.A. in history from Brigham Young University and a J.D. from the S.J. Quinney School of Law at the University of Utah. His legal practice has focused on immigration law, family law, administrative law and international law. He currently lives in Salt Lake City and works for the State Government but tries to make it back to Nine Mile Canyon as much as possible.
Craig Houskeeper | Site Steward
Craig Houskeeper has served on the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition Board for over 20 years. Craig’s parents owned a ranch in Nine Mile and lived in the canyon until he was twelve years old when his parents sold the ranch. Many of his family members were some of the first anglo settlers in the canyon. Their histories have given him a great appreciation and a love of the canyon. He has helped with Coalition events for many years.
Steven Hansen | Site Steward
Steven Hansen joined the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition shortly after purchasing a small ranch in the canyon. He served as Board Chair from 2004 through 2005. He received a BS degree in Computer Information Systems from BYU-Hawaii and has been an advocate for Utah Wilderness protection for over 35 years. Shortly after joining the Coalition’s board of directors, Steve designed the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition’s afghan and as a property owner, he successfully nominated Nine Mile Canyon to the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s 2004 list of America’s 11 Most Endangered Historic Places.
Kappi Meldrum | Membership & Events Coordinator | Secretary
Kappi Meldrum is the membership and contributor coordinator for the Nine Mile Canyon Coalition. She has a B.S. in Anthropology from the University of Utah and an M.A. in Education from Westminster College. Kappi has worked as an archaeologist throughout the interior west for twelve years and is passionate about the preservation of archaeological sites. Additionally, she works as a public school teacher.
Carla Mead | Events Coordinator
Carla manages Nine Mile Ranch after her parents Ben & Myrna Mead started the business 24 years ago. Nine Mile Ranch offers lodging, B&B rooms, camping, family reunion, wedding & company retreats. Carla has been working with the coalition for six years and became a member of the board. She enjoys learning about the archaeology within Nine Mile Canyon and has met lots of new people through her experience.
Diane Gorman-Jenkins | Events Coordinator
Diane Gorman-Jenkins: graduated High School Monrovia, CA. Attended USU Logan studying Fine Art Photography. Joined the 9MCC shortly after arriving in Price in 1996. Appointed to the Board of Directors soon thereafter. I have had the privilege to work on the Fall Gathering and designing t-shirts and hat pins for the Coalition. I have been an active member of USAS for 30 years. Long time member of URARA. Much gratitude to my husband Fred Jenkins; the glue that keeps me together.